Groundbreaking New Report From America’s Top Anti-Aging Pioneer

Is This Making 
Americans Go Bald?

Blockbuster New Harvard Study EXPOSES How
Chronic Stress Speeds Up Your Hair Loss…

PLUS: The NEW Doctor-Formulated Solution that
Restores the Appearance of Thick, Lustrous Hair

Dear Friend,

We’re living in stressful times.

As bungling bureaucratic policies dismantle our economy, ignite record inflation, and herald a looming recession…

The biggest casualty won’t be your stock portfolio or retirement account.

The most painful loss will be your hair!
I’ve helped thousands of men and women
correct the hormone imbalance behind
thinning hair and hair loss.
A landmark Harvard study discovers chronic stress blocks a critical factor that supports your hair’s natural cycles, leaving it in the “shedding stage” 5 times longer than it should be.[1]

That means stress causes your hair to appear thinner…

And makes your bald spot bigger.

I’ve seen this phenomenon in my clinic in Palm Beach, Florida.

But I don’t recommend the chemical options you see advertised on TV infomercials.

Instead, I offer my patients a powerful combination of plant and herbal extracts that support and nourish your hair follicles.

Over time, your hair follicles adapt and re-enter their natural hair support phase.

Within a few weeks, you’ll start to see the appearance of thick, healthy hair… Nearly identical to the naturally lustrous hair of your youth.

Today, I’ll show you how it works, and how you can benefit from my new discovery without the disappointment of all the so-called “treatments” that failed you in the past.

Because the latest Harvard study shows us…

Constant Stress May Be the REAL
Culprit Behind Thinning Hair

And more specifically, a stress-induced attack on your natural hair growth cycles.[2]

I’d long believed that to be true…

Now, mainstream medicine is catching up thanks to Harvard’s breakthrough research.

Put simply, your hair follicles go through 3 primary stages:
  • Anagen — Increasing appearance of thicker hair (we want more time here)
  • Catagen — prep for rest (like a bedtime routine)
  • Telogen — rest stage where hair sheds (we want less time here)

What did Harvard reveal?

Stress Keeps Your Hair
in the Telogen Phase
5 TIMES Longer!

That means 500% more time in the shedding stage…

But you can manage that stress in a way that doesn’t threaten your hair.
Think of it as a natural “stress shield,”

That lets you maintain the thick, great-looking hair you remember from your younger days.

Let me explain.

How I Discovered the Secret to
Thicker, Fuller Appearing Hair

My name is Dr. Al Sears, MD, CNS, and I specialize in regenerative and anti-aging medicine. After three decades seeing patients, I can tell you the appearance of thinning hair is the number one concern that makes us look old before our time.

It can easily make us look 10, or even 20 years older.

But most so-called solutions are no real solution at all, and many have big down sides.
I’ve seen men and women lose their sense of hope and optimism.
But not anymore.

There’s a common thread that drives thinning hair…

Very High Levels of Ongoing Stress

Today, I’ll show you why stress causes rapid and large-scale appearance of thinning hair…

And exactly how you can beat it…

Even if your life is very stressful.

Just imagine…

Putting an end to cutting and styling your hair a certain way to cover those embarrassing areas…
Putting an end to cutting and styling your hair a certain way to cover those embarrassing areas…

No more wearing hats or head pieces because you’re self-conscious.

No more feeling like people are staring at your lack of hair…

In just a minute, you’ll discover:
  • Exactly why all hair support methods you’ve tried or seen before failed.
  • ​Exactly how stress is crippling your hair follicle stem cells… Locking them in a state of long-term and excess shedding. 
  • ​The ONLY known “shield” scientifically proven to maintain your hair’s natural cycles… Despite stress.
  • How to keep the amazing, full head of beautiful hair you had 5, 10 or even 20 years ago.
  • ​How to start seeing these results in as little as 8 weeks.
And even though Harvard just recently confirmed my long-standing stress theory on the appearance of thinning hair…

I’ve already seen hundreds of patients and readers nourish their follicles and reclaim a fuller, younger looking head of hair…

All this based on the safe and effective natural ingredients I’ve researched and tested for years now.
But unlike many hair solutions that are more focused on just men…

This approach gets to the true “root” of the problem…

So it works for both men and women equally.

 So let me show you what the Harvard study found, and how all this works.

The REAL Cause of Your Thinning Hair?

As you already discovered, stress is directly linked to the appearance of thinning hair…

So if your hair appears to be rapidly thinning, then it’s likely not coping with stress very well.

And the stress is only getting worse.

Viral pandemics… rampant inflation… economic slowdown… a looming recession… the coming food crisis… war in the Ukraine… worsening tensions with China…

And that doesn’t even include your shrinking investment portfolio…

It’s no wonder Americans are losing their hair at an alarming rate.

And you may be one of them.

Truth is, there are a wealth of new scientific studies that link increasing stress since 2020 with the widespread appearance of thinning hair.[4,5,6]

And all that stress causes your hair follicles to get stuck in the shedding phase.
So how did Harvard finally prove it?

They discovered an amazing gene called Gas6.[7]

The Gas6 Gene Supports
Your Hair Follicle Stem Cells

So Gas6 is your best friend for hair support because it supports new hair growth.

But as you probably know, stress produces a hormone called cortisol…
And cortisol suppresses the Gas6 gene.

Without the support of your hair growth gene, your growth cycle gets stuck in the shedding phase.

And your hair follicle stem cells get shut down.
That’s bad news.

But you can do something about it…

How to Lessen the Appearance of
Thinning Hair Due to Stress

People that appear to have a full head of hair are better able to resist stress and support their hair growth gene.

But even if you’re not one of the lucky ones…

You can still support your hair follicles and defend yourself against stress-induced hair thinning.
It’s the best — and easiest — way to keep the full, youthful looking hair you enjoyed years ago.

But how do you do this?

Here’s what I recommend to my patients.

It’s a powerful combination of nutrients and herbs that support your hair follicles and your hair stem cells for the appearance of lush, youthful hair.

I use this exact combination in my clinic and I’m revealing it here for the first time.

It’s a Completely Natural
Hair Solution I Call 

Re-Nourish is the simple and easy in-home hair support formula proven by my own patients and readers…

To support the appearance of thicker hair in as little as 8 weeks…

Re-Nourish is the first and only hair support formula on the market that:
  • Supports the appearance of a full, healthy, lustrous head of hair… Forming a “stress shield” on the scalp. 
  • ​Re-Nourishes your scalp — providing maximum anti-aging support to maintain the appearance of thick, healthy hair at full capacity. 
  • ​Supports your hair to look revitalized, thicker, fuller, and more youthful then it has in decades.
Nothing like this has ever been available in a completely natural formula…

Finally… It’s Time to Say Goodbye to
Anxiety and Embarrassment

  • No more hair all over your pillow or in the shower.
  • No more hiding bald spots with hair products, hats, or head pieces.
  • No more smelly products that make your hair feel and look greasy all day.  

I Have Good News for Your Hair…
Let Me Show You How It Works!

Here are the “7 Anti-Stress All Stars” that help you manage the stress that can lead to thinning hair…

Anti-Stress Hair Solution #1 — Panax Ginseng Root

An ancient adaptogenic herb used for over 2,000 years now. It has been shown to modulate cortisol’s effect on the HPA stress axis.[8,9,10]

It’s also been shown to reduce circulating cortisol levels in the blood.[11,12,13]
An ancient adaptogenic herb used for over 2,000 years now. It has been shown to modulate cortisol’s effect on the HPA stress axis.[8,9,10]

It’s also been shown to reduce circulating cortisol levels in the blood.[11,12,13]
And remember, according to the Harvard study, less cortisol and lower stress response means more support for thicker looking hair.[14]

Scientific studies have shown Panax Ginseng’s ability to support healthy looking hair despite various stressful or aging conditions.[15,16]

There is more and more science showing Panax Ginseng as a safe and effective way to support a full, healthy appearing head of hair.[17]

Anti-Stress Hair Solution #2 — D-Alpha Tocopherol

D-Alpha Tocopherol is an extremely powerful antioxidant shown to reduce oxidative damage resulting from stress.[18]

It also supports Treg cells through regulation of your dendritic cells. This essentially means support against stressful toxic material attacking the appearance of healthy, thick hair.[19]

Dendritic cells have been shown to maintain optimal hair health even as we age.[20]

This makes D-Alpha Tocopherol a powerful ally in supporting the health of our hair…

And in supporting the appearance of thicker, fuller hair.
D-Alpha Tocopherol is an extremely powerful antioxidant shown to reduce oxidative damage resulting from stress.[18]

It also supports Treg cells through regulation of your dendritic cells. This essentially means support against stressful toxic material attacking the appearance of healthy, thick hair.[19]

Dendritic cells have been shown to maintain optimal hair health even as we age.[20]

This makes D-Alpha Tocopherol a powerful ally in supporting the health of our hair…

And in supporting the appearance of thicker, fuller hair.

Anti-Stress Hair Solution #3 — Organic Nigella Sativa

Organic Nigella Sativa was shown in a study to significantly reduce blood cortisol levels.[21]

Another study showed stress protective effects using organic Nigella Sativa even against toxins.[22]

A double-blind, placebo-controlled study of people using a Nigella Sativa containing lotion saw significant improvements in the appearance of thicker hair in only 90 days.[23]
Organic Nigella Sativa was shown in a study to significantly reduce blood cortisol levels.[21]

Another study showed stress protective effects using organic Nigella Sativa even against toxins.[22]

A double-blind, placebo-controlled study of people using a Nigella Sativa containing lotion saw significant improvements in the appearance of thicker hair in only 90 days.[23]

Anti-Stress Hair Solution #4 — Fenugreek Seed

Studies show Fenugreek is highly associated with protection against the stress response.[24]

Plus, fenugreek carries an antioxidant shown to support the appearance of thick, healthy hair. This supports nutrition delivery to the hairs for maximal appearance of healthy, thick hair with lustrous shine.[25]
Studies show Fenugreek is highly associated with protection against the stress response.[24]

Plus, fenugreek carries an antioxidant shown to support the appearance of thick, healthy hair. This supports nutrition delivery to the hairs for maximal appearance of healthy, thick hair with lustrous shine.[25]

Anti-Stress Hair Solution #5 — Uttwiler Spätlauber

An extract from Switzerland’s rare and prized “stem cell apple.”
Whereas most apples begin to rot immediately after bitten…

This special apple regenerates new skin layers because it contains its own stem cell supply!

Now we can harness the power of these stem cells to make ourselves appear younger too.
An extract from Switzerland’s rare and prized “stem cell apple.”
Whereas most apples begin to rot immediately after bitten…

This special apple regenerates new skin layers because it contains its own stem cell supply!

Now we can harness the power of these stem cells to make ourselves appear younger too.
In fact, a Swiss scientist was able to boost human adult stem cells by 80% using just a 0.1% extract…[26]

Giving the appearance of hair that looked 15-20 years younger.

Anti-Stress Hair Solution #6 — Niacinamide

A study linked low niacinamide levels with high stress cortisol levels.[27]

Additionally, niacinamide is a co-enzyme essential to support hair health. It powers hundreds of related metabolic processes.[28]
A study linked low niacinamide levels with high stress cortisol levels.[27]

Additionally, niacinamide is a co-enzyme essential to support hair health. It powers hundreds of related metabolic processes.[28]

Anti-Stress Hair Solution #7 — Zinc

According to a study in Biological Trace Element Research, zinc can block stress cortisol output.[29]

And support the appearance of a full, thick, healthy head of hair.
Not only that, but zinc supports the health and longevity of healthy, thick looking hair by increasing Treg cells.[30,31]

But there are other nutrients that support the appearance of thicker hair — Even the ones not related to stress.
According to a study in Biological Trace Element Research, zinc can block stress cortisol output.[29]

And support the appearance of a full, thick, healthy head of hair.
Not only that, but zinc supports the health and longevity of healthy, thick looking hair by increasing Treg cells.[30,31]

But there are other nutrients that support the appearance of thicker hair — Even the ones not related to stress.
Based on my research and the results achieved with my patients, I knew there were other key vitamins and nutrients that give your hair a lustrous, youthful appearance.

Serenoa Repens (SR)

SR is an all-natural herb shown by studies to block 5α-reductase… an enzyme that creates a hormone called DHT.

DHT is very toxic to our hair… so less of it supports healthier hair follicles.

The Journal of Dermatology published a 12-week study showing that SR significantly boosted the appearance of new hair.[32,33]


A study in the International Journal of Trichology (study of the hair and scalp) showing 38% of women suffering hair loss are biotin deficient.[34]

Biotin also supports hair follicle stem cells…

And is responsible for making keratin (the hair protein).[35]

Along with the stress relievers I mentioned, I also made sure to include these two additional ingredients in my Re-Nourish formula.

In fact, there are a total of 29 hair-supporting nutrients in Re-Nourish. And my patients and readers are loving it.

But don’t take my word for it…

Just Listen to What Some of Our
Satisfied Customers are Saying…

“I didn’t use this product as often as recommended so I didn’t expect results. And boy was I surprised! I used Re-Nourish sparingly for 2 weeks. But then on week 3, I noticed the appearance of thick hair right at the front of my hairline. This is where my hair is most damaged from highlights and hair irons. I can’t wait to keep using Re-Nourish! 

Not only am I surprised by my results, but I’m also pleased with the product itself. I was worried that it would leave my fine, light hair feeling heavy or looking greasy and it hasn’t done either. On top of that, it has a lovely natural botanical smell. Awesome product!”

—Elizabeth B., West Palm Beach, FL
“I didn’t use this product as often as recommended so I didn’t expect results. And boy was I surprised! I used Re-Nourish sparingly for 2 weeks. But then on week 3, I noticed the appearance of thick hair right at the front of my hairline. This is where my hair is most damaged from highlights and hair irons. I can’t wait to keep using Re-Nourish! 

Not only am I surprised by my results, but I’m also pleased with the product itself. I was worried that it would leave my fine, light hair feeling heavy or looking greasy and it hasn’t done either. On top of that, it has a lovely natural botanical smell. Awesome product!”

—Elizabeth B., West Palm Beach, FL
"I can say confidently that the Re-nourish product from Sears Institute has done more for me than expected. And I will continue to be an avid user of the product. My hair feels and looks much fuller. My barber even noticed. And I didn’t tell him I was using the product Re-nourish!! That’s all the evidence I need to know this product is legitimate!”

—John S.
"I can say confidently that the Re-nourish product from Sears Institute has done more for me than expected. And I will continue to be an avid user of the product. My hair feels and looks much fuller. My barber even noticed. And I didn’t tell him I was using the product Re-nourish!! That’s all the evidence I need to know this product is legitimate!”

—John S.
“Hair has always been an issue for me. I highlight my hair, swim in the pool, and use dry shampoo frequently. I never knew how harsh these chemicals were or how much damage I was doing to my hair. Conditioning treatments, vitamins, fancy blow dryers, special wet brushes, and other expensive solutions never helped… But the moment I used Re-Nourish I realized I was treating the wrong issue. My scalp and hair instantly felt soothed, fresh, and clean. And I’m seeing the appearance of thicker and longer hair! Now I use it every time I wash and style my hair.”

—April W., West Palm Beach, FL
“Hair has always been an issue for me. I highlight my hair, swim in the pool, and use dry shampoo frequently. I never knew how harsh these chemicals were or how much damage I was doing to my hair. Conditioning treatments, vitamins, fancy blow dryers, special wet brushes, and other expensive solutions never helped… But the moment I used Re-Nourish I realized I was treating the wrong issue. My scalp and hair instantly felt soothed, fresh, and clean. And I’m seeing the appearance of thicker and longer hair! Now I use it every time I wash and style my hair.”

—April W., West Palm Beach, FL
“When my husband began use of this product, all he had on top of his head was fuzz. That appeared to change after 30 days and now after 7 months, his hair appears to be two to three inches longer! Very exciting and like the other products that we order from you — IT WORKS!! Thank you so much.”

—Jeanne F., San Diego, CA
“When my husband began use of this product, all he had on top of his head was fuzz. That appeared to change after 30 days and now after 7 months, his hair appears to be two to three inches longer! Very exciting and like the other products that we order from you — IT WORKS!! Thank you so much.”

—Jeanne F., San Diego, CA
My hair was thinning. So, I began to use Re-Nourish every day on the front part of my scalp. Now I have the appearance of thicker hair."

—Susan D., Fort Pierce, FL
My hair was thinning. So, I began to use Re-Nourish every day on the front part of my scalp. Now I have the appearance of thicker hair."

—Susan D., Fort Pierce, FL
"It’s really mind-boggling that my hair looks so much fuller - in my front and back. The only two things I attribute it to is Re-Nourish and prayer.”

—Zan Reynolds
"It’s really mind-boggling that my hair looks so much fuller - in my front and back. The only two things I attribute it to is Re-Nourish and prayer.”

—Zan Reynolds
“I’ve been using your product for approximately six weeks and have seen a significant improvement. Previously, you could see thinning areas at the back of my head and now there appears to be hair over it.”

—Peter W., Kemptville, Ontario Canada
“I’ve been using your product for approximately six weeks and have seen a significant improvement. Previously, you could see thinning areas at the back of my head and now there appears to be hair over it.”

—Peter W., Kemptville, Ontario Canada
“I’m in my 50s and my hair looked awful! Since reading studies about the power of stem cells, I decided to give Dr. Sears’ Re-Nourish a try. I’ve been using it diligently for just over 4 weeks and was happy to notice the appearance of little baby fine hairs! I look forward to reporting back in another month or two.”

—Georgia H., West Palm Beach, FL
“I’m in my 50s and my hair looked awful! Since reading studies about the power of stem cells, I decided to give Dr. Sears’ Re-Nourish a try. I’ve been using it diligently for just over 4 weeks and was happy to notice the appearance of little baby fine hairs! I look forward to reporting back in another month or two.”

—Georgia H., West Palm Beach, FL
“I have used the product on only one side of my head. I used the other side as a type of ‘before’ control. My hairline looks more like it did when I was younger. I took photos this morning and there appears to be a difference from one side to the other.”

— Valerie H., Saskatoon, Canada
“I have used the product on only one side of my head. I used the other side as a type of ‘before’ control. My hairline looks more like it did when I was younger. I took photos this morning and there appears to be a difference from one side to the other.”

— Valerie H., Saskatoon, Canada

Here’s How to Try Re-Nourish, Risk-FREE

Re-Nourish is simple and easy to use.

It literally takes seconds. All you have to do is apply a couple of gentle sprays to the area where your hair is currently thin... and watch in amazement as — in just a few short days — the appearance of new hair begins to emerge.

Over the next few weeks, when you look in the mirror, you’ll see your hair appears to be fuller. And when you run your fingers through it, you’ll immediately feel the difference. The appearance of thick, luscious hair your friends and family will notice, too.

And as you continue to use Re-Nourish over the next few months, you’ll be astonished as your hair appears fuller and thicker than you could’ve ever imagined.

Now, while it’s true some of the ingredients in Re-Nourish are easy to find — such as Zinc and Biotin... there are about a dozen others that are available only in very limited quantities — and only if you have the right resources to harvest them.


A subscription to Ageless
Beauty Secrets e-newsletter

In my exclusive

which I send out
to thousands of
folks twice weekly,
In my exclusive
e-newsletter, which I send out
to thousands of health-minded
folks twice weekly,
you’ll have the answers you’ve
been looking for. In each issue,
I’ll share easy-to-follow, natural
therapies to help you:
  • Slow down — and even reverse — signs of aging by changing the DNA of your skin cells.
  • ​Activate your stem cells to regenerate your skin.
  • ​Regenerate and heal your skin, hair and nails with little-known nutrients that help you look younger naturally.
  • ​And much more
There are a total of 29 ingredients in Re-Nourish — each one just as essential as the next. And in order to unleash this formula’s full potential, you need the correct doses of ALL 29 compounds.

You also need to cultivate them from quality sources.

Most of the brand-name products you find at your local store are formulated by giant corporations that prioritize profits over quality. They cut corners by using low-quality, synthetic sources because they have no standards.

Instead of being extracted from nature, the majority of their compounds are grown in a lab.

Creating a quality product takes time. And it’s difficult to mass-produce such a product. Which is why we can only produce Re-Nourish in small batches. And it’s why, if you’re serious about regrowing your hair, you must act immediately.

I’ve been helping people achieve better health for over 20 years... and I’ve made it my personal mission to help women and men of all ages maintain their beauty, and hold onto their hair at any age.

Re-Nourish is the ONLY All-Natural Formula Designed to
Fight the Stress that Inhibits Hair Growth

Re-Nourish uses a root nourishing technology that
shields against extended time in the dreaded “shedding phase”

However, I must warn you, because Re-Nourish is so effective, people are buying up in droves. Which means there is a very real risk of Re-Nourish going out of stock.

This isn’t a gimmick either. People really do love this product. And since they know how hard it is to get their hands on, most customers choose to purchase 6 bottles on their first order.

But whichever option you chose today, I want you to know you’re making the right decision. You are taking matters into your own hands. And you’re ready to embark on a journey to a fuller, thicker, more youthful head of hair.

I have no doubt in my mind Re-Nourish will support aging hair follicles on your head — no matter what you may have experienced in the past.
And don’t worry if you spray some on your forehead and hands. Re-Nourish will only grow hair if there are hair follicles in place to begin with. So don’t worry about hair in odd places — it won’t happen.

So, before you order, I just want you to imagine what life would be like when you no longer have to wear a hat to cover up your thinning hair.
And don’t worry if you spray some on your forehead and hands. Re-Nourish will only grow hair if there are hair follicles in place to begin with. So don’t worry about hair in odd places — it won’t happen.

So, before you order, I just want you to imagine what life would be like when you no longer have to wear a hat to cover up your thinning hair.

And imagine the relief you’ll feel knowing that strangers are no longer staring at your humiliating bald spots and receding hairline, but instead are admiring your new-found appearance.

Imagine the thrill of being able to go out on a hot summer day, and dunk your head in the water — in public — and not have to worry about your scalp piercing through.

Re-Nourish is designed to help you support the appearance of new hair in areas of your scalp where it hasn’t grown in years. And if all this sounds too good to be true, you can try it yourself risk-free with our…

Buy One, Get One FREE — Plus 2 FREE Gifts and FREE Shipping!

You'll SAVE 50% when you purchase one bottle and get one FREE for only $99.95 with FREE shipping and handling (an $8.95 value).
Click here for your FREE bottle offer.

The Incredible Stem Cell Revolution...

How You Can Make the Most of the Biggest Breakthrough in Medical History... Discover why stem cells are
the biggest breakthrough in medical history and how you can make the most of them.

FREE E-REPORT NO. 1: The Incredible Stem Cell Revolution...

How You Can Make the Most of the Biggest Breakthrough in Medical History... Discover why stem cells are
the biggest breakthrough in medical history and how you can make the most of them.

FREE E-REPORT NO 2: Regenerate Thick Lustrous Hair... 

In this brand new19-page dossier, Regenerate Thick Lustrous Hair, I reveal the worst environmental toxic
offenders laying siege to your hair. And the simple steps to re-balance your hormones to save your hair and more.

Regenerate Thick Lustrous Hair... 

In this brand new19-page dossier, Regenerate Thick Lustrous Hair, I reveal the worst environmental toxic
offenders laying siege to your hair. And the simple steps to re-balance your hormones to save your hair and more.
When you use Re-Nourish, the benefits start stacking up and get bigger over time. You
have the opportunity to enjoy HUGE gains over the long term. We want to make sure you
can continue using this new breakthrough. So that’s why we’ve arranged for an incredible
discount with our Buy One Get One Free offer

You have absolutely nothing to lose — and an opportunity to experience first-hand the new
plant stem cell technology that lets you say goodbye to thinning hair. Plus, Re-Nourish gives
your hair more volume, shine, length, thickness, strength and youthfulness.

To Your Good Health,
Al Sears, MD, CNS

P.S. I urge you to hurry. In the history of my practice,
I’ve never seen so much demand for one of our products...
I had to order a second, larger shipment because the first
one sold out in just 2 days!

Buy One, Get One FREE!

Plus, Get 2 FREE Gifts and FREE Shipping!

You'll SAVE 50% when you purchase one bottle and get one FREE for only $99.95 with FREE shipping and handling (an $8.95 value). You'll also receive 2 FREE special e-Reports: Regenerate Thick Lustrous Hair and The Incredible Stem Cell Revolution (each a $19.95 value, yours FREE).
1 bottle of Re-Nourish for just $99.95 + $8.95 shipping and handling.
(I don’t want the free bottle)
1.  Choi, S., Zhang, B., Ma, S., Gonzalez-Celeiro, M., Stein, D., Jin, X., Kim, S. T., Kang, Y. L., Besnard, A., Rezza, A., Grisanti, L., Buenrostro, J. D., Rendl, M., Nahrendorf, M., Sahay, A., & Hsu, Y. C. (2021). Corticosterone inhibits GAS6 to govern hair follicle stem-cell quiescence. Nature, 592(7854), 428–432.
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10.  Abushammala, I. M., El-Shaikh Ali, F. K., Abu Shammaleh, K. F., Taha, M. M., & Miqdad, M. Y. (2021). Effect of Panax ginseng on Carbamazepine Pharmacokinetics in Rabbits. Turkish journal of pharmaceutical sciences, 18(1), 17–20.

11.  Lee, S., & Rhee, D. K. (2017). Effects of ginseng on stress-related depression, anxiety, and the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. Journal of ginseng research, 41(4), 589–594.

12.  Stansbury, Jill & Saunders, Paul & Winston, David. (2012). Supporting Adrenal Function with Adaptogenic Herbs. Journal of Restorative Medicine. 1. 76-82. 10.14200/jrm.2012.1.1007.

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